• Old LEGO® Instructions

    We have old LEGO instructions available online that date back to 1958. You can search for replacement instructions by set number or keywords.

    Old Instructions
  • Kid Creations... Show the world what you have made with LEGOs! Submit your cool kid creation today using your computer, smartphone or tablet.

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  • LEGO® Instructions

    We currently have over 1,500 LEGO building instructions available online that date back to 1958. You can search for replacement old LEGO instructions by set number, keyword or theme name.

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LEGO instruction books

Free LEGO Instructions

Did you lose your LEGO instructions from ages ago? Or maybe you just want to walk down memory lane? Let's Build it again! We have Old LEGO instructions going all the way back to 1958, and we currently have 1,655 different LEGO® set instructions.

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Thanks for all the old booklets. You've helped me rebuild a ton of my childhood castle sets to display in my kids room.

Kid Creations

My Bunk Bed
Name: Lewis
Age: 6
View Kid Creations


Set number: 6923
Title: Particle Ionizer
View Particle Ionizer